Wednesday 19 March 2014

Ancillary Poster Research

Ancillary Task : Film Poster Research

For my research  have decided that I will evaluate key features and conventions that are shown on various film Posters so I can get a rough idea of what I have to do and what I have to  compete with. It is key to compare my work with professional examples that are already out there.

Poster 1: Insidious

The poster has 2 main features on it. The boy on the right and house on the left. This tells a lot about  the film as the house could be the setting on the film, and the boy being  the protagonist.

The House

As a first perspective it is a traditional american house that has been represented in many films before. The key and noticeable part of the house  is the door. The door doesn't blend in  with the rest of the house on the poster as it is red. This produces curiosity in the viewers eyes as they want to know what is inside this red door. This is a small minor detail that works well as on a basic house like this you do not expect the door to be this intriguing.

The house is also the same colour as the sky. This provides a good house style for the poster focusing on the colours Black, White and Red. These are also the colours that are associated with death, blood and violence. As my poster is going to be along the same lines as this one I will need  to focus on these three colours mainly if I want to achieve the best effect that I can.

The Boy

This is without a doubt the most iconic part of  the poster. He is taking up more than half the page and has the appearance of someone that is haunted or possessed. In my opinion I  think that his facial expressions represents the film. He has a bleak and emotionless expression on his face which could show that his possessed and oblivious to himself and his surroundings.

His eyes have also been edited so that they are ghostly faces. This could be that his stare is the most evil thing about him and don't want to ruin it for the audience when the view this poster. I love this effect as it shows for definite that he will be possessed in the film.

His clothing and appearance are still keeping up with the house style. he has black and a red shirt. This match is very key as it means there is no  random colours that seem out of place when they are included. therefore when creating my poster I shall make sure i do this too as if i have one house style i keep to it will mean my poster will look professional comparing it to the professional one of Insidious.