Wednesday 2 October 2013

Introduction to Myself

About Me

My name is Scott Pucknell and for my A2 Media coursework I have decided to do a trailer by working on my own. In the future i would like to become a film director after gaining a degree at a university in the field of Digital Film production. I have enjoyed filming and film for many years now and I have the chance to show what i can do behind a camera for my coursework. Here is a little more about me.The subjects I am studying are Media, ICT, English and Business Studies. these subjects I think will benefit me when I'm older and wanting to go in this industry. I am 17 years old and my hobbies are Skateboarding, going to concerts and filming. I dislike Pop music and i am sometimes disappointed with sequels for films. I believe that I have the necessary skills to do well when creating my trailer as I have the attitude that shows I want to learn and experiment with new things to improve my knowledge to be prepared for the industry if I get there.

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