Tuesday 3 December 2013

Age Certificates

Age Certificates


What does it mean?

The U symbol stands for Universal. A U film should be suitable for anyone who is 4 years old or higher. There is an issue however as people do not know what will upset a child as it does vary.

What can it include?

  • It can include mild language such as "hell", "bugger", "bloody" and "damn". Nothing more serious. 
  • The characters involved in the film may be seen kissing and cuddling but there will be no scenes where characters are doing anything more sexual such as making out or making love. This rating however has no overt focus on sexual behaviour or innuendos. These are also can be different types of relationships such as heterosexual or homosexual.
  • Sometimes characters will be placed in danger. With violent scenes, they will be balanced out very quickly to make sure of a re-assuring outcome.
  • The weapons the bad characters use in films will have no emphasis on them. Children and heroes in the film are unlikely to carry weapons. This hopes to send children a message to not take these actions into everyday society.
  • Dangerous behaviour will not be present in this film.
  • Only medical drugs will SOMETIMES appear but children the films are aimed for should understand what they are and their effects.


What does it mean?

PG stands for Parental Guidance. This means that he film can be seen  anyone but may have some scenes that younger viewers might not like. A PG film is aimed at children ages 8 and over. Parents are responsible to see if the film may upset the child or not.

What can it include?

  • There could be some mild language such as "shit" and "son of a bitch". If this term is said aggressively it may be put in the next age category.
  • References to sex are ok if little detail is said for a little period of time. If the reference is so discrete a child will not know what it means will pass as PG. Comedy can help reduce the effect of a reference or innuendo.
  • There shouldn't be any violence in a PG although there might be brief encounters with blood, the injuries causes will not be shown detail if blood was being viewed. 
  • Potentially dangerous behaviour that could be copied by children watching it likely to be not allowed  in a PG.
  • Possibility of small references to drugs, although there shall be no focus on this what so ever. If there are references there will be a clear message saying that they are very bad.

12 and 12A

What can it include?

  • The 12 certificate is used on DVDs where as 12A is only used for cinema viewing only.
  • May have strong language such as "f***", if it does it must be used infrequently. The context of the language is very important as if the language is being used aggressively then it shall be put in the 15 age bracket. There are allowances for string language puns however.
  • Sex may be shown discreetly in 12 and 12A films. Verbal sex references do not go any further than what a young teenager wouldn't understand. Comedy may be used to soften the terms of the sexual context however crude and request puns are unlikely to be allowed in this age bracket. There may nudity but it will brief and discreet.
  • Moderate violence shown but does not go into too much detail. There should be no detail on blood or injuries but brief moments of gore are allowed to be shown.
  • Sexual scenes may be briefly sexually but in little detail and also brief scenes of nudity could be shown but will not be shown for long and will have minor detail.
  • Moderate violence is allowed but details will be left out. 
  • Sexual Violence such as rape or assault may be referred to but never shown and if briefly spoken about will have to contain contextual reason. 
  • Behavior such as self harming and suicide might be present in 12 and 12A films but will not dwell on detail as they do not wish to encourage this behavior on the children who are watching this if they allowed.

What can it Include?
  • There is no limit to what can be involved in a 15 works. As long as it is suitable for 15 year olds.
  • It can contain strong violence going into detail until a certain level.
  • Strong Language like "F***" can be used frquently throughout.
  • Portrayals of sexual activity can be involved but have to have minimal detail.
  • There are strong and severe verbal references to sex.
  • Sexual Nudity is ok for a 15.
  • Brief scenes of sexual violence such as rape ca be included as long as it is in less deail.
  • There can be discrimatory language or behavior during films labelled 15.
  • Also drug taking is shown in 15's and can do into as much depth as they like as by this age people should know the damaging effects that they have to the body.


What can it include?

  • As this is for adults only then the violence will contain gore, blood and will be in some cases horrific as this is the maximum rating for a film.
  •  Frequent strong language can be used just like the 15 "F***" is used alot and even in some cases "C***".
  • There are strong portrayals of sexual activity as he age to watch he film is over the age to actually engagae in sexual intercourse.
  • There is a possibility that there could be scenes of graphic sexual violence where people are being violated against their will in detail.
  • In some cases they will show scenes of real sex.
  • Finally there will be scenes where harsh discriminatory language will be used to put characters in threatening situations

Horror Trailers

Most horror trailers are rated 15 to 18 and sometimes 12's due to the 'Horror Factor' of trailers. People associate blood and gore to them. In a 15 they can include most things which are representative of a horror trailer. For example 'Paranormal Activity' is rated a 15 as it is made to scare the audience and give them a reason to be watching horror films.

For a horror trailer to be an 18 they really have t step up their game form a 15 as the gore of deaths can be significantly increased as the violence can be shown at maximum levels. This is exclaimed in the first line of the synopsis for the film 'Curse of Chucky'. Its states;

"Nica (Fiona Dourif) is grieving over the gruesome suicide of her mother when her domineering older sister Barb (Danielle Bisutti) arrives with her young family in tow to help settle their mother’s affairs." - http://www.lovefilm.com/

The words 'gruesome' and 'suicide' suggest the horror and devastation this horror film has in a back story. As this film is an 18 rated it wouldn't be surprising if they show this suicide in gruesome detail as it has the right to do this as it aimed for the adult age group.  

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