Thursday 5 December 2013

Title Construction

Title Construction

Constructing title for films are away of expressing the characteristics of the film. These can have the ability to say if someone will remember he name of the film. A good example is superman as everyone knows his logo. Therefore when that is pushed against the title that states "Superman", we will remember it more clearly as the brand name is so unique.

Iron man 3 Analysis

For the title sequence of iron man 3 they use a very iconic and memorable way of expressing the titles. The clips are very short and are very fast paced and are constantly split into 3 sectors. Each sector is the same clip but are filtered different colours. Once the name of the person appears signalling their role in the making of the film the screen freezes and one of the filtered segments expand and the name of the person, enlarges so the audiences attention is now focused on the name. Each scene in this trailer is from various parts of the film so the audience are less likely to watch he parts of the film they had already scene and once again focus on the names of the people involved with the film.

21 Jump Street Analysis

This film provides another example into how titles can be shown in films. Similar to iron man, they also used fast pace scenes which slow right down when the name of a employee appears. However instead of freezing the screen when engulfed with the filter, they show a clip which is relevant to the film but not in the film. This includes two examples of someone snorting cocaine with a roll of money, and in another shot a huge pile of money. The effect of this is that the audience can relate the background to the film  but as it wasn't in the film wont pay much notice or attention to it and will read the names of the credits instead. One final factor is that it is filled with violent and explosive clips. This provides excitement for the audience when watching it as it means their focus is on the screen as they want to see more. Its when the action stops it leads to the scenes they relate but are not in the film. This decrease of explosions and fast paced violence makes the audience to read the name on the credits to pass the time until the next short paced explosive scenes are shown.

Overall these are two different ways of displaying titles. Although both have some similarities they each carry their own unique style which I need to think of so that when i create my trailer I have a good idea for what I can do for it.

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