Tuesday 17 December 2013

Trailer Analysis 2



The Genre for REC 2 is Horror. The plot follows a SWAT team infiltrating a house to try and find the source of the outbreak of a demonic virus. They capture all of the super natural occurrences on the helmet cameras equipped with their uniform. Therefore the film is mainly from their point of view to see what the see when trying to find what they are looking for. Director Jaume Balagueró has produced many other horror films so he has experience in making this type of film and so he knows how it should be done, therefore I shall pay attention to the details he adds to this trailer so i could pick up some tips when crating my own.


I personally think that the title for REC 2 is very well created. Normally when someone used a video camera they can see the white lines to show the area of which you are filming. Inside the box there is the word REC in block capitals. My favourite part of the title though is how they have represented to small red circle which means you are recording. It is an eye of one of the victims that has been exposed to the demonic virus in the film. The title is mostly black but to effect is so good no one notices. This effect means that they can have the most simplest of backgrounds yet still be great as the effect of the title outshines everything else.


The location for REC 2 is a building which has been known as a source for the virus outbreak. the plot is them trying to find the source before the virus escapes out into the real world. A lot of horror films are based in buildings as the directors can play around with supernatural occurrences where they can try to make the scariest thing out of a scenario. Rec 2 is known for its random deaths where people are just pulled or dragged into the darkness. This effect is good as the director has used the setting and location to enhance the effect the death has. 


The Length of Shots

The length of shots in REC 2 are not very long as the film contains many scenes where it has to be fast or the effect will not work up to a standard. The speed of shots suggests that the film has very graphic scenes that happen quick enough to surprise and provoke a reaction from them. If they can see it coming the it would obviously be not as scary but the speed gives them no one warning making their reaction worse. The trailer can use slow shots however to build up to one of the fast scenes which will add to the tension of the scene. I will use this tactic when crating my film trailer as the more tense the scenario, the scarier the action. 


There is one thing I notice about trailers is that when they are nearing the end the trailer enters fast pace clips before slowing right down where the main action is. This fast paces imagery along with an increasing volume of sound or music to increase the effect. With REC 2 they don't go for this option because they decide to add many scenes where things are happening to show that the film is full of action. This makes the trailer more exciting and thrills the user when they are watching it.


Rec 2 has the stereotyped editing for a horror film. The static screen change is used commonly is most horror films and this one makes no exception. it works i think a lot better however in this particular trailer as because most of the clips are recorded by video camera, static would actually occur so the director has interpreted the stereotype for a meaning and exciting special effect. 

The second effect that this trailer is that he camera doing the filming is in the shot but smaller in the corner of the shot is what the camera sees. This effect will not work in the trailer that I would like to do because as my film trailer is not filmed from a camera perspective, however because this film it works so well.

Finally another effect from the editing in the trailer for REC 2 is that when they are entering the building the screen flashed with black pauses This is what World War Z did but to the music. REC 2 uses this effect for effect to signal that something could go very wrong when they enter this location.

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